Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Fun

There has been a lot of talk about how fun this election could be were the consequences not so serious ( especially considering the current economic situation). Most recently, however, there have been some people making an effort to truly enjoy politics. The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner was an opportunity to truly consider the presidential candidates in a new light. Considering the last three times we've seen the candidates converse was during three ultra-serious debates (most especially the last) it was refreshing to watch them laugh and joke like normal people. I think it's really important to be able to see the candidates in this way because I think everyone tends to loose sight of the fact that they are real people and even though they must be truly superior in some ways, their nature is just like ours. We all know that politicians are suppossed to be strong and responsible beyond that which is expected of the general citizenry. But I do think it is overlooked that on an emotional level it must be unbelievably difficult to be a politician, especially on the national stage. During the third debate, McCain made a comment that during a football game he was watching he saw an Obama advertisement condemning him. I can't imagine sitting at home watching television and then seeing my enemy or my opponent pop up to berate me. I'm sure that it is something that these men and women have gotten used to but I do not think that they are emotionally deviod enough not to feel stung due to certain advertisements.
To get back to the actual topic, in the spirit of Halloween, there have been alot of people creating pumpkins with the likeness of their favorite political figures or integrating politics into their annual decorations. There are also tons of people planning on dressing up as Obama and Palin regardless of their political affiliations. I feel like we havn't had enough fun in this election yet because of all that is riding on its outcome but I am personally very excited that these things are finally going on and giving us all a chance to enjoy election season.
For everyone's enjoyment here's the roast video and a political Halloween article:

1 comment:

Jeff Boyarsky said...

Halloween provided the perfect opportunity for the American public to view the the Presidential candidates in a different light. Rather than see each candidate for the issues and goals they represent, it furnished the opportunity to see how each candidate was received by my peers. It was my prediction that I would see many young me wearing masks of the Presidential candidates and many young women dressed as Governor Sarah Palin. While I did not see as many Obama and McCain costumes as I would of thought, I found it very enjoyable to see how the young women at Lehigh viewed Palin through their portrayals of the Alaskan Governor while in costume. Not surprising, considering the political atmosphere at Lehigh and depictions of the Palin in the media, the fact that Lehigh students went to such cartoonish lengths to negatively portray Palin shows how Palin is truly received at this school.